Compare: Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
Contrast: Compare in such a way as to emphasize differences.
Therefore, to contrast is to compare. They mean the same thing. So, just write the differences and similarities between the two texts and you should be fine. It doesn;t matter what subject or topic it is, just stick to the guidelines..
for b look at the explanation
Steinbeck uses the colour red to symbolise that the wife is attention seeking as red has conations of boldness. On the contrary it also symbolises that she might be a danger as red can also have connotations of death and danger this might foreshadow future events
The turkish way to say this phrase would be
Kurtlar türklerin sembolüdür
Some colleges require that each potential student completes an essay.
Subjunctive mood is defined as the verb form used to express a wish, a suggestion, a command, or a condition contrary to fact.
To convert the above sentence into a subjunctive mood, REPLACE REQUIRE WITH PROPOSE.
Some colleges propose that each potential student completes an essay.
In this case, propose means a suggestion.