More than half of Earth's rain forests have already been lost due to the human demand for wood and arable land. Rain forests that once grew over 14 percent of the land on Earth now cover only about 6 percent.
We have all noticed that if we hike from a place with low elevation and go up at a place with high elevation, that the temperature is gradually dropping, thus giving us a clue that the lower places are warmer, while the higher places are cooler. The reason for this, even though both the places with low and high elevation are located in the troposphere, thus the same atmospheric layer, is that the density of it is not the same everywhere. The troposphere has the highest density at its lowest points, and as the height increase the density decreases. Since the higher parts are less dense, that means that there are less gases, thus there are less molecules that are further apart from each other. This results in lesser absorption of heat, so this parts are cooler, while the lower parts are warmer because the troposphere is denser, there's more molecules that are also closer to each other, thus they absorb more heat.
Hi, according to my research the climate in Italy varies depending on which part of Italy. North of Italy the climate is more unpleasant; with freeing & dry winters, & scorching hot/humid summers. Moving to central Italy climate is more in the middle with not as harsh winters & summers. Also central Itally has a shorter duration for winter but the summers are longer. As for the southern portion of Italy seasons are fair, winter is never bad, & spring and autumn are the same as the summer temperatures in the central regions. Let me know if you need me to explain more. Hope this helped :)
THE FEDERAL ROLE IN BEACH NOURISHMENT 79 trancing the performance of beach nourishment projects, sponsoring local beach nourishment projects to reduce the NFIP's risk in hazard-prone coastal areas, and funding emergency fills to restore a project's shore protection benefits after a severe storm.
In Ptolemy's earth-centered model for the
solar system, Venus's phase is never full as viewed from earth because it
always lies between earth and the sun. In reality, as Galileo first recognized,
Venus is full.
<span>Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth. That
is why we cannot see the full Venus. However, Venus is full (whenever it is on the opposite side
of the Sun from Earth). From Earth, Venus's phases range only between new and