La contaminación de mares y océanos es una realidad creciente en estos tiempos y esto tiene graves consecuencias para la vida marina, como problemas de desorientación, alteraciones en las cadenas alimentarias, toxicidad para la fauna marina, destrucción de los ecosistemas marinos e, incluso, acaba habiendo también consecuencias para el ser humano.
En este artículo de EcologíaVerde veremos exclusivamente cómo afecta la contaminación del agua a los animales marinos, pues es necesario tomar consciencia del perjuicio que supone este gran problema ambiental para todos y no solo para las personas.
The thinking habits of your brain and how they could work
In the text it says “Most macromolecules are made from single subunits, or building blocks, called monomers. The monomers combine with each other using covalent bonds to form larger molecules known as polymers. In doing so, monomers release water molecules as byproducts. ... In the process, a water molecule is formed.” I hope this helped
Answer: C) The event at the end of the Triassic Resulted in the extinction of fewer fauna’s then in any other period
Looking at the graph, the event at the end of the Triassic resulted in the smallest dip in the amount of fauna in the graph. This means that this event resulted in the extinction of fewer faunas than any of the other five major events.
Option A is wrong as the event at the end of the Devonian decreased the number of Cambrian fauna.
Option B is wrong as the event at the end of the Cretaceous resulted in a decrease in the Paleozoic fauna.
Option D is wrong because the event that resulted in the Extinction of more fauna’s then in any other period was the event at the end of the Permian.