During the 1920s African American lives became better significantly better because their lives were changed socially and politically giving them more opportunities. (I hope this helps you :-} )
Specify the unique characteristics of the hotel product, originating an approach of own information in the direction of the number of clients that captivates, offering specialized promotions in differentiating the product and with the objective of achieving a certain reduction in the traditional intercessors used by the hotels in their majority to offer their services.
Answer: Kievan Rus is also called as the land of Rus. It is located in Russia.
The internal cause of the down fall: The empire weaken by the collapse of the commercial trade with the Byzantine empire and this lead to major economic crises in 12th century.
The various rival regional powers were influencing the working of the state.
The external cause of the down fall: The Mongol invasion in 1240s caused the complete fall of the state.
Generally speaking, judicial activism is the opposite of judicial restraint in that when a judge is especially "active," he or she imposes more of his or her own will in the case, whereas if a judge is more "restrained," they rely more on precedent.