"Luke, I am your father,"
g. rule #7
Example of a sentence that most needs to be revised because it's description is too vague is : we hike two miles uphill in the blooming forest.
Usually, you hike on the mountain not in the blooming forest.
hoep this helps
Answer:As for the indroduction,you may began it with a quote,short stories or either by using "what if"...but your main objective must be the attention of your audience..
And inorder to devolep your body of the speech,you may discuss the theme about your topic,key concepts and main ideas. you might need only 5-6 points in your speech,..
Then comes the conclusion you must remember never to repeat your condent as recap,just think that this isnt a seminar, so you must conclude it by saying some inspirational quotes which should be stayed at the audience's mind...which means that it should be very attractive!!
hope this is helpful
thanking you.....
The organization? I mean you should always do it in Times New Roman, Double Spaced, and in a 12 Point font? but having an MLA format may not always be needed. but for your situations you can use EasyBib (it’s an app and website)
When Ariel had to decide if she would return Maria's lost lucky swim cap.
Hope this helps!