The thick layer is the-crust
If you are asking which continent has the largest population then it would be Asia with 4.46 Billion people accounting for more then 62% of earths human population
Przepraszam, niestety nie znalazłam konkretnej odpowiedzi na twoje pytanie, ale mam inne podpowiedzi które mogę ci pomóc.
Berber. Ludność: szacowana na 5 do 9 milionów. ...
Hausa. Ludność: około 20 milionów. ...
Joruba. Ludność: około 5,5 miliona. ...
Dział Statystyki ONZ podzielił kontynent afrykański na pięć regionów: Afrykę Północną, Afrykę Środkową lub Środkową, Afrykę Południową, Afrykę Wschodnią i Afrykę Zachodnią.
Mam nadzieję, że to ci pomoże, miłego dnia
C. plagioclase
From the magma silicate crystals are formed successively when the magma temperature reaches the typical melting temperature for each type of crystal. The first crystals formed at high temperatures can then change their composition or dissolve again. In this way the crystals already formed contribute their ions, molecules and atoms to magma and combine again forming new crystals whose melting temperature is lower than that of the first crystals formed. The new crystals are said to be stable at the lowest temperatures set now. These processes of change are called reactions. As several successive reactions occur as the magma temperature decreases the ordered series of reactions is called the BOWEN series in honor of the Canadian scientist who formulated this concept. There are two types of reactions, the continuous reaction and the discontinuous reaction.
By continuous reaction a crystal formed at high temperatures such as a plagioclase rich in the Ca2 +</u> component gradually varies its composition by replacing a portion of the Ca2 + ions with the Na + ions and a portion of the Al3 + ions with the Si4 + ions. To maintain its neutrality, the replacement of Ca2 + by Na + is coupled with the replacement of Al3 + by Si4 +. The series of continuous reaction starts from the plagioclase rich in Ca2 +, passes through several plagioclase of intermediate composition towards the plagioclase rich in Na +
answer is coastline s since a lot of people go there for site seeing etc.