“How did Faulkner pull it off?” is a question many a fledgling writer has asked themselves while struggling through a period of apprenticeship like that novelist John Barth describes in his 1999 talk "My Faulkner." Barth “reorchestrated” his literary heroes, he says, “in search of my writerly self... downloading my innumerable predecessors as only an insatiable green apprentice can.” Surely a great many writers can relate when Barth says, “it was Faulkner at his most involuted and incantatory who most enchanted me.” For many a writer, the Faulknerian sentence is an irresistible labyrinth. His syntax has a way of weaving itself into the unconscious, emerging as fair to middling imitation.
While studying at Johns Hopkins University, Barth found himself writing about his native Eastern Shore Maryland in a pastiche style of “middle Faulkner and late Joyce.” He may have won some praise from a visiting young William Styron, “but the finished opus didn’t fly—for one thing, because Faulkner intimately knew his Snopses and Compsons and Sartorises, as I did not know my made-up denizens of the Maryland marsh.” The advice to write only what you know may not be worth much as a universal commandment. But studying the way that Faulkner wrote when he turned to the subjects he knew best provides an object lesson on how powerful a literary resource intimacy can be
Letter to pen pals. You give this type of letter to somebody you communicate with on a regular basis. ...
Letters to famous people (fan mail) ...
Love letters. ...
Goodbye letters. ...
Get well soon letters. ...
Condolence letters. ...
Thank you letters. ...
Celebration letters.
The passage above is an excerpt from this. If the underlined word, which is "crisis", be substituted with the word "event" instead, this would create a tone of less intense. Answer is opt
It is correlative!
This conclusion can be drawn since correlative sentences are like "tag-team conjunctions." They working in pairs to join phrases or words that carry equal importance within a sentence.
Remember, Johnny came from a terrible household. His parents either beat him, or ignored him. If Johnny became crippled, he wouldn't be able to come and go from that house as he pleased, which means he has to stay in that home where he was hated and unwanted.
Here is the excerpt from the novel:
"Even if Johnny did live he'd
be crippled and never play football or help us out in a rumble again. He'd have to stay in
that house he hated, where he wasn't wanted, and things could never be like they used to
be. I didn't trust myself to speak. If I said one word, the hard knot in my throat would
swell and I'd be crying in spite of myself." (Hinton, 87).