That is the second planet Venus
<span>They have various isomer structures often either open chain or cyclic isomers that readily interchange structures. </span>
la el impacto ambiental porque estamos alojan el planeta Tierra en los ríos y la contaminación de las fábricas y los desechos de las botellas y de los plásticos Durán 500 años y arriba soles y el humo de los carros que estamos contaminando el aire oxigenada
No, not every scientific method begin with an observation. on basis of what we want, steps for scientific method changes.
And in scientific method before observation, first we predict (what will happen in the experiment). after prediction we observe. Prediction is known as hypothesis. And observation is what we are viewing.
K I'm not sure about this one, but it should be capillary action
This is because cohesion and adhesion have to do with water stick to surfaces. Capillary action occurs because of how the water sticks and bonds to certain surfaces. Cohesion is how water molecules stay together, while adhesion is how water molecules are attracted to other molecules.