Soil salinity is the salt content in the soil. Salination can be caused by natural processes such as mineral weathering or by the gradual withdrawal of an ocean.
The vast pollution which occurs globally can have a significant impact on air quality on a local scale. The reason for this is quite simple: polluted air can easily get trapped beneath a cloud cover, or be literally "blown" away to other locations, and when much polluted air gets accumulated, it can have devastating heath effects on a local population, not just to humans, but to animals and plants as well. Overall, the vast global pollution can effect the smallest of regions on an unprecedented scale.
It's pretty simple, World War II
This is not pole reversal. Pole reversal does not control how a rocks are formed, they only align the orientation of magnetic minerals in a cooling rock.
Pole reversals occur when the direction of the magnetic north and south changes.
- The rock type with the quartz band oriented perpendicularly from one another must have been formed along a fracture in the rock formation.
- Fractures structurally controls how intrusions are formed.
- The quartz band must have been a fluid from a magmatic body that crystallizes at the late stage with some other minerals.
- Fractures acts as weakness planes in rocks and they are utilized by intrusive bodies to cool.
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Sedimentary rocks