Lots of conflict between who gets what land. King George Ill made a boundary line so the colonists couldn't have any contact with Native Americans, but after Americans won their independence, that line was no longer in effect. Americans wanted to expand westward to explore new land, but Native Americans wanted to be independent. Andrew Jackson then made reservations for the Native Americans, and that's how the Trail of Tears started. This was all because of American greed. So, to put it in shorter terms, it was a cat fight, but it was a house cat verusus a lion.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace prize on October 14, 1964.
The Missouri Compromise, "The Compromise of 1850", and "The Kansas-Nebraska Act" 1854
The Missouri Compromise was for maintaining a balance between "Free states and slave states" in the Union.Accordingly, Missouri was acknowledged as a "slave state", Maine was acknowledged as a free state, and slavery was not allowed in Louisiana Territory territory North of 36°30' but within the borders of the Missouristate.
The Compromise of 1850 was essential to ascertain if slavery would be permitted in states formed from the territory got from Mexico during the "Mexican-American War". California was acknowledged as a free state, while the "Territory of New Mexico" permitted slavery. The Compromise also comprised a measure forbidding the slave trade (however not slavery as such) within the Columbia District and a new and more powerful Fugitive Slave Law
The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 created the "territories of Nebraska and Kansas" and stipulated that people of these territories would elect to as certain if the 2 territories would permit slavery. This led to violence between "anti-slavery and" pro-slavery proponents who moved to these territories.