You will tiptoe quietly down the hallway and avoid being seen or heard.
it is how your trying to not get caught
Reversal - to change opposite directions
I took an left but had to go reversal
At the end
The guy walking
It means unwillingness because you refuse which you are not willing to do it
As excited as a kid in a candy shop
As excited as a kid at Disney World
Excited like a soda about to explode
Edwardian is the term given to the period of British history opening the 20th century when King Edward VII was settled; though it extends from the 1890s until World War I in 1914.
Among its features, the dawn of liberalism, the belief in modern rationality and progress; but it held back on other areas such as arts per say, with the beginning of <em>"Art Deco"</em> in architecture and the end of the <em>"Arts & Crafts"</em> ideals.
Then Artists were influenced by technological advances such as electricity and the automobile. Also the era leaned toward dresses made of lightweight fabrics for a more dynamic lifestyle.
Thereby, the most suitable answer is: <em>"Restrained elegance in art, fashion, and architecture"</em>