We Fought.
We fought and we died. My ancestors were brave and because of that, we now have reservatoins at the least, whereupon the Native Amercian Lifestyle is Respected.
"we saw several of the natives advancing towards our party, and one of them came up to us, to whom we gave some hawk's bells and glass beads, with which he was delighted. We asked him in return, for water, and after I had gone on board the ship, the natives came down to the shore with their calabashes full, and showed great pleasure in presenting us with it.”
the first meeting was friendly
, They offered Columbus things with pleasure.
A monarchy is a type of government ruled by a hereditary ruler, such as a king or queen. A theocracy, on the other hand, is a system where a small group of religious leaders rule in the name of a god. A monarch who claims the divine right of kings uses their religion to justify their position of power. (See image: Courtesy of A monarch can claim to rule by god's will, but doesn't have to be a religious leader.
‘Precious Metals
he discovery of large quantities of gold and silver in the New World made precious metals a key export from New Spain. This changed the history of the world economy. For instance, when precious metals entered Spain, this inflow drove up the Spanish price level and caused a balance of payments deficit.