The correct answer is C. Glacier
In the image, you can see the water cycle, and there are four letters, A, in the part of the sea; B on the earth's surface; the C below the Earth's surface, and the D in the mountains. In the area where the D is, there are glaciers on the mountain peaks caused by the low temperatures in the area. In addition, a glacier is a mass of ice formed on the earth's surface by the accumulation of snow on mountain peaks, in Antarctica, the Arctic, and Greenland. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Glaciar.
It's because much of Northwest Europe has an Oceanic climate (also known as Marine West Coast). ... The moderation of temperature by the ocean comes at a cost of marine air masses, which are often saturated with moisture and thus bring frequent rainfall
How people use recources so fast.
People use recources so fast infact, that our planets recources of over billions is lowering LOWERING.
The Arrow one points at the country of Pakistan. It is a country where the dominant religion is the Islam, thus the majority of the people are Muslims. Historically, what is now Pakistan has been part of India, as the people and culture have been the same. The Muslim invasions though started to change the things gradually, as the people became divided by religion. During the British rule of the region, it was relatively calm, but ones India was partitioned into India and Pakistan things escalated. Nowadays, Pakistan is a still a less developed country with lot of problems. It is also one of the most populous countries in the world, and has one of the biggest population growths.