Lenina has never seen an old person because she is used to her society where no one ages past thirty.
According to the internet, the Friar is referring to Juliet's parent that them crying is normal and natural, but since Juliet is in a better place, they should rejoice for the dead and that her soul is still pure when she goes up to heaven because she is young.
Natures tear meaning natural tears, merriment meaning happy. It is natural to cry over the death of a child but they should be happy she is going to be in a better place.
I would say this group of lines illustrates the music of autumn, because the word choir is mentioned:
<span>"Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies".</span>
'Before they ate a snack' is the correct answer, it is the adverbial clause of time. A cannot be correct because that is an independent clause, and adverb clause has to be dependent. B isn't a clause at all.