A job is something you hold for a little while or until you find something more appealing. A career is something you do for life. Or something you may have gone to college for to do for majority of your life.
What are the options the indians in that part ate lots of berries, nuts?
Nevada and the western side of Utah are usually characterized by the formation of high mountain ranges that are oriented in the north-south direction. This is because of the effect of the transform plate boundary that is located towards the western boundary of the United States, which is commonly known as the San Andreas fault. The areas near to this region are being highly stretched apart because of the weakening of the crust due to the presence of a series of down-dropped fault blocks.
The Basin and the Range province areas in Utah, Nevada, Orogen are highly composed of numerous fault block mountainous ranges that are mostly bounded by the high angle-normal faults.
Thus, the crust here is actually stretched.
The answer is professional online classroom and academic