in 1959, Leakey was working in the famous site Olduvai Gorge in Tarzania when she discovered an approximately 1.75 million year old fossil skull of a new.
-Mary Leakey developed a system for classifying the stone tools found at Olduvai. she discovered the Laetoli footprints, and at the Laetoli site she discovered hominin fossils that were more than 3.75 million years old. During her career, Leakey discovered fifteen new species of animals.
2. Lucy was named after the Beatles' song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" a huge beatles fan, johanson had the whole camp of scientist listening to the bank during their archaeological specition. when "Lucy in the sky with diamonda" played. inspiration sparked.
3. Archeologists investigate historic and prehistoric sites and physical remains to undestand human links to the past and to preserve past culture. before, during and after the dig, the archaeologist records notes, images, soil samples, maps, measurements, and other information about the archaeological site.
Yes. A Caravel was of Spanish/Portuguese descent, and was denoted to have around 3 to 4 sails, in which at least 1 is of triangle shape, and is known for it's speed. It was also shallow enough to navigate through small rivers, yet being able to withstand the high seas.
"The concept of a democratic society, such as the one our country enjoys today, began in the Greek capital some 8,000 years ago. The city of Athens is sometimes referred to as the cradle of Western civilization."
Discrimination it's a hard topic because it has been around for many years and even today, taking into account how many things have happened the lately years, there exists discrimination. Though that is because people have a problem judging others before getting to know them and make up their own assumptions about them. People do not ever try to put themselves in their shoes.