Alicia: Miguel, ¿te gusta escuchar 1. música los sábados?
Miguel: Sí, pero me gusta más practicar 2. deportes.
Teresa, ¿te gusta montar en 3. bicicleta?
Teresa: No, no me gusta. Me gusta más leer 4. un libro.
Alicia: Teresa, ¿te gusta hacer 5. la tarea los sábados?
Teresa: ¿Los sábados? No, sólo me gusta preparar 6. la comida, alquilar 7. un DVD y descansar.
In this exercise, you have to complete the dialogue with the words given. This is a<u> Spanish vocabulary activity</u> related to hobbies or activities. It's important to understand the context of the sentence to decide which word is the correct one.
The translation of the words given is music, sports, bike, a book, homework, food and a DVD.
Mis abuelos me llamaban todos los sabados.
Llamaron would translate as "call" which would be "My grandparents call me every Saturday" - which doesn't make a lot of sense in this context.
Llamaban would be the one right.
Native speaker over here.
Monterrey: 3rd largest city in Mexico
Pozole: tradicional stew made with meat and hominy
Serenata: tradition serenade
Mariachi: two or three musicians with traditional instruments
Mañanitas: Mexican birthday song
Piñata: cardboard figure filled wit candy and toys
Yo compro una regla para mi clase de matemáticas.