I would give this a 9.999999! You are a very talented drawer! I could not draw like that to save my life! It's AMAZING! The only thing I would say is that the lips are a little big. Other than that, rock on! It looks GREAT!
If it’s the right hand spaces are FACE (f, a, c, e) from bottom to the top. The line notes are every good boy deserves fudge (e, g, b, d, f,) from bottom to top
Form is the techniques used when making the work
Function is how the work is used
Content is what you can psychically see
Context is outside information that is beneficial to understanding the work and the artist
para los pueblos indigenas, el idioma no solo es un marcador de identidad y pertenencia al grupo , sino tambien el vehiculo de sus valores eticos.
la situacion de las lenguas indigenas es un reflejo de la de sus hablantes.En muchas parted del mundo , estan al borde de la extincion.
espero que ayude
Light and tall, as most were tall.