Answer:did you complete this assignment yet because I need help with it
Some literary elements would be: Imagery, Extended Metaphor, Free verse, and Respectful and understanding mood.
I don't think so but they are living
Apparently.... it determines if you are well educated and have a very good vocabulary-but, in most cases using bigger words have more meaning that basic words do
Scientific discoveries allow several problems that threatened and even hindered our lives to be solved. This can be seen by the development of disease treatment, better forms of mobility, better forms of communication, greater access to entertainment, among other technologies that we can say that make our lives easy, increase our quality of life and allow maintenance of our life is more efficient.
However, scientific advancement promotes the strong exploitation of natural resources, which causes degradation of those resources that are essential for our existence. With degeneration increasingly efficient, we do not know what our lives will be like in the future, but we know it will be insecure because we cannot fight against the force of environmental imbalance.