Mankind seems to learn very little from anything -- good or bad. There are many things you could say about Natural Gas or Oil, but one thing that neither one could do is create another Chernobyl.
People are saying that the cleanest and most efficient way to go would be to use Nuclear Power Plants. I admit that Gas and oil create their own set of environmental problems, but nothing as far reaching as something lasting 35 years as Chernobyl has done
Scientists are bewildered by Chernobyl heating up again. They cannot explain why let alone what can be done. Each of the alternate energy choices have their problems and have their ill effects on the environment.
Spiral Galaxys are bright because they're full of gas and dust which are the ingredients to make new stars. When these new stars form they are very bright.
We are asked to multiply 1 nano sec with 1 km/sec.
The conversion used from nano second to second
1 nsec = 
The conversion used from km to meters:
1 km = 1000 m

Putting the values we get:

Therefore, the given conversion is 
tectonic plates are floating on top of the molten rock and moving around the planet like leaves on water. they bump into each other or move away from each other
when converging plates will move beneath the other its subduction