1. I can't buy that new dress. All my money is at home.
2. Some people prefer to pay for their stuff by check.
3. I am looking forward to my mom's birthday next May.
4. Whose book is that? Is it yours?
Dumbshow, also dumb show or dumb-show, is defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English as "gestures used to convey a meaning or message without speech; mime." In the theatre the word refers to a piece of dramatic mime in general, or more particularly a piece of action given in mime within a play "to summarise, ...
Answer: Puck has corrected the magic spells so everyone will love the right person.
Puck and Oberon had tried to fix a lover's mess between Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia and Helena but instead only made things worse by enchanting the wrong people.
This leads Lysander and Demetrius to almost fight for Helena's affection and Hermia to storm off after Helena runs from her.
Oberon charges Puck to fix the problem by morning and Puck starts by making Lysander and Demetrius get lost in the woods.
Eventually they all go back to sleep and Puck puts a love potion in Lysander's eye and declares that all will be well in the morning.
It is because it has both a predicate and a subject