anxiety, fear, depression, and low self-esteem. or flaming it refers to an online fight exchanged via emails, instant messaging or chat rooms. It is a type of public bullying that often directs harsh languages, or images to a specific person.
The difference between While loop and Do - While loop are explained below.
- While loop : It is a looping procedure in which the statements inside the while loop are executed depending on the condition outside the while before starting the loop.
- If the condition is true then the code inside loop is executed otherwise not.
- Do - While loop: It is a looping procedure in which the statements inside the loop get executed and then the condition at the end of the loop is checked.
- This means even the condition is fails the statements inside the loop are executed once.
- Do while loop name itself suggests that "do the while and then check the condition".
In C++:
int PrintInBinary(int num){
if (num == 0)
return 0;
return (num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2));
This defines the PrintInBinary function
int PrintInBinary(int num){
This returns 0 is num is 0 or num has been reduced to 0
<em> if (num == 0) </em>
<em> return 0; </em>
If otherwise, see below for further explanation
<em> else
<em> return (num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2));
num % 2 + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2)
The above can be split into:
num % 2 and + 10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2)
Assume num is 35.
num % 2 = 1
10 * PrintInBinary(num / 2) => 10 * PrintInBinary(17)
17 will be passed to the function (recursively).
This process will continue until num is 0
Programmers/Coders write the instructions for a Computer.