1. Il gèle. 2. Il fait du soleil. 3. Ratatouille.
1 - Il gèle directly translates to it freezes, implying very cold.
2 - Il fait do soleil means it's sunny, and Il fait 35 degrés celsius means that the temperature is 35C, which is a very hot summer day. Either of these could apply to this question as they both imply that it is warm outside but to be safe I would pick Il fait do soleil.
3 - Ratatouille was invented in Nice and usually made by less wealthy farmers in the summer time when the vegetables were available, and contiues to be a very popular dish today.
1. Est-ce qu’il meurt?
A. Au passé composé: Est-ce qu’il est mort?
2. Quand nais-tu?
A. Au passé composé: Quand est-tu né?
The answer is sujet en france
17. Mon anniversaire est le 3 mars.
18 Je suis 20 ans.
Je suis = I am/ I was
J’ai = I have/ had
Be careful of the two