The war between the U.S and mexico took place because the U.S decide they wanted to expand across the North American continent, which caused them to clash with all of it's neighbors including the british, the Mexicans and the Native Americans. Americans began migrating to the west even into land that did not belong to the United States.When Plok came into Office in 1845, he believed in the idea of "Manifest Destiny" hwich was the belief that expanding the U.S throughout the continents was both lawful and necessary.
Erasmus Jacobs
The story of diamonds in South Africa begins between December 1866 and February 1867 when 15-year-old Erasmus Jacobs found a transparent rock on his father's farm, on the south bank of the Orange River.
Jesus Christ was the person Christians believed was the jewish messiah.
The Crusades were called because of religious devotion but the call was answered because to the desire for political and economic gain.
A call went out for soldiers to take Jerusalem from the Seljuk Turks.
Many second and third sons answered the call. In the Holy Land they could carve out principalities and become Lords. In Western Europe the land was all taken. The call was answer by most Crusaders for dreams of political and economic gain.
The Eastern Roman Empire had appealed for help became of the amount of land and control that they had lost to the Seljuk Turks.
The agreement with the Pope was that the Crusaders would liberate not only Jerusalem but the lands lost to the control of the Turks.
When the Crusaders liberated the land they kept the land for themselves. This showed that the reasons that the Crusaders answered the call was not religious devotion but economic greed.
Haha, hope this helps. <3 !
Process of elimination - everything but 1 and 3 does not sound like a bad thing. But the answer is yellow stars.