Practice using pre-taught sentence stems with simple sentence structures and tenses during collaborative activities.
Sentence stems refers to parts of a sentence to which inflections or other words are added. As a consequence, in oder for students to improve their speaking abilities, it is suitable to provide them with correct cues with the right grammatical features so that they can modify them according to the meaning of their utterances. Finally, collaborative tasks involve interaction with their partners to complete a specific exercise, which are highly appropriate to develop speaking skills.
I am the interloper in this story
Once upon a time there was a cat.
Everyday the cat would run outside and hunt for prey.
One day, the cat spotted a huge dog that started to chase the cat.
Because of that the cat ran up a tree.
Because of that the dog tried to climb the tree.
Until finally, the dog realized it couldn't.
Can you explain with a little more details?