the first blank is letter C and the secocond one is A.
Machu pich, Cuzco, Chan Chan, Lake titicaca
A) The necklace is an identified good.
Through a joint naval and land attack by the United States Marine Corps the United States successfully defected Qaramanli forces. In 1805 a ransom was entered into for American prisoners in Tripoli under the U.S. Treatise with Tripoli but no arrangements for tribute.
King Hammurabi was eighteen years when he became King of Babylon after his father's death and ruled between 1792 till 1750 BC.
The young king was not daunted by the task of being king of such a big kingdom and he immediately began to make peace treaties with strong and powerful neighboring countries and working on making the kingdom prosperous. He did this by undertaking several projects like strengthening the city walls, and new and better irrigation systems.
After he had defeated his enemies and neighboring countries, he established the first Babylonian Empire and went further to improve the city by building more temples, constructing canals and acqueduts.