Over the course of the constitutional convention, the delegates considered having the president chosen by Congress, but they feared the interdependence between the branches that would be engendered. They considered having the governors of the states or the state legislatures choose the president, but they likewise were anxious that the chief executive of the new souped-up federal government not be overly beholden to the state governments.
The columbian exchange is quite important. This "event" was named after Christopher Columbus and this was used to transfer plants, animals, some culture products or what people used, technology, and pretty much the very basic yet important key things that many people needed. These were all exchanged from America to West Africa, and I believe the Old world. I can't really get the times. But this is the basic information needed.
Have a nice day.
Westing house invented the air brake, which stopped all the railroad cars at once. This increased safety and allowed longer, faster trains.
nepal and other city ok i am a new user