It could be more high tides and flooding
Big Idea. When Justinian became emperor in 527, he was determined to revive the ancient Roman Empire, to build a new Rome. He established Constantinople as the capital of the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire and preserved Roman heritage for more than a thousand years.
American settlers continue to spread to the west and took land from Native Americans. As expansion continued, agreements were signed and they were broken with native americans losing their homes and land and force to move west. As Native Americans were forced to more to the west, they are not able to adopt to the environment they are moving to, so they died due to lack of food or diseases.
Great Society was a failure.
(It is a great idea to help poor people. There will always be poor people. No matter what you do.)
Also too much money was being dumped in Vietnam, and Johnson was not paying attention. Should have maybe pulled troops out of Vietnam then started his Communist ideas.
Sorry maybe a bit too rough. But they were. Some people will work harder then others, why should they not get paid more for what they do?