In 2016, 61.4 percent of the citizen voting-age population reported voting, a number not statistically different from the 61.8 percent who reported voting in 2012. Voting rates have historically varied by race and Hispanic origin
The way you vote at your local polling place may seem like the natural and only way to vote. But there are thousands of different ways to cast and count votes.
Votes may be cast for candidates or for political parties. Votes may be indicated by check marks, crossing out names, writing in names, or ranking candidates in order of choice. Votes may be cast on paper in pencil, on a punch card machine or a modern touch screen.
When it is time to count votes, thousands of workers may tabulate the results by hand over the course of days or weeks--or computers might calculate the result, almost instantly. Importantly, winners might be required to win a majority of the vote, or more votes than the other candidates (but not a majority); they might need to be the candidate most preferred by the electorate overall (taking into account voters' rankings), or alternatively, winners might be decided by reference to the proportion of the total vote they receive.
This page summarizes some of the most common electoral systems around the world and in the United States.
The answers are The Cuban Missile Crisis and The Crisis In Berlin.
I just did it
Answer: In March 1945 the Japanese imprisoned the French administrators and took direct control of Vietnam until the Allies defeated them in August. At that point, the Vietnamese August Revolution set up a Provisional Government, but the French took back control of the country in 1945–1946
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
"Latinoamérica no vende tecnología."
Los países Latinoamericanos no cuentan con la suficiente inversión en materia de investigación y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías para los diferentes sectores industriales, médicos, productivos y educativos.
Esta falta de inversión en materia de tecnología, los obliga a seguir siendo dependientes de poderosos países extranjeros que son los que invierten fuertes sumas de dinero para no sólo mejorar los productos y maquinaria que ya tienen, sino para mejorarla.
Si los países Latinoamericanos quieren tecnología, deben comprársela a esos poderosos países Europeos, asiáticos o a los Estados Unidos,
Eso implica invertir en dólares que no tienen los países Latinoamericanos, lo que los obliga a endeudarse pidiendo préstamos.
Mientras los políticos Latinoamericanos no se aboquen a disminuir la pobreza y corrupción, no habrá dinero para invertir en educación y desarrollo tecnológico. De seguir así, la dependencia del extranjeros no sólo se mantendrá , sino aumentara. Y tristemente, Latinoamérica seguirá sin producir ni vender tecnología.
The Enron scandal in early 2001 forever changed the face of business. In July 2002 the U.S. Congress enacted the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act, also known as Sarbanes Oxley (SO).
SO required corporate leaders to personally certify the accuracy of their company’s financials. It also established a variety of requirements which govern auditing and accounting firms. Some of the requirements include auditor reporting duties and restrictions which prohibits auditing firms from providing non-audit related services to companies which they audit.