There were several proposals for a Jewish state in the course of Jewish history between the destruction of ancient Israel and the founding of the modern State of Israel. While some of those have come into existence, others were never implemented. The Jewish national homeland usually refers to the State of Israel[1] or the Land of Israel,[2] depending on political and religious beliefs. Jews and their supporters, as well as their detractors and anti-Semites have put forth plans for Jewish states.
El hecho de que ciertos deportes, como el baloncesto, el tenis o el rugby, entre otros, puedan ser adaptados para que personas con discapacidades físicas los practiquen sin limitaciones es un gran progreso social, que contribuye a la igualdad de derechos para todas las personas sin distinción de características físicas o de cualquier otra índole.
Además, esta adaptación contribuye a una mejoría en las condiciones de vida de estas personas con discapacidades, en tanto les permite ejercitarse y, así, poder contribuir a una mayor salud y bienestar físico. Por otra parte, estos deportes adaptados permiten la creación de grupos, equipos y demás grupos sociales en los cuales estas personas pueden también desenvolverse socialmente.
Answer: a) the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
The State of Southern Carolina began it's Secession Declaration by stating that... "<em>deems it due to herself, to the remaining United States of America, and to the nations of the world, that she should declare the immediate causes which have led to this act</em>". This invalidates option D because they believe themselves obliged to declare their reason for seeking independence.
The Declaration then speaks on the notion that Governments are established by humans to aid them to certain ends. End which if not met, constitute a just cause to remove the Government from power. This invalidates option B.
In the last part of the Declaration, South Carolina alluded to its reasons for seeking independence being that the Northern Non-slave states had violated statutes that required them to return slaves who escaped from a slave state. This invalidates Option C.
Option A was never alluded to in the Secession Declaration of South Carolina and little wonder why. As a state that was in support of slavery, to maintain that all people had<em> the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, </em>they would have been invalidating the institution of slavery and so they abstained from emphasising it.