B.) As a stickler about statistics, I was disturbed by Mr. Schlosser's cavalier manipulation of data, which produced some startling — and, frankly, unbelievable — "facts."
Edgar Allen Poe uses imagery and figurative language and the tone is very dark and grim. Hope this helps:)
a). He cannot agree with his wife on what crop to farm.
Mr. Shimerda was the father of Antonio. He is characterized as the most tragic character of the story. He lives a short yet a life of legacy. The key problem that he suffers is the disagreement between him and his wife on deciding the appropriate crop to be farmed. His wife was a greedy woman who harassed him and move to New world from the wilderness of Nebraska. This makes him homesick and he eventually leads to his end.
Answer: Explain the positive of having a good job and the neggatives of not having a good job and then explain how you want to be successfull and to do that how a good job comes into play