Ex. J’ai une sœur qui aime le coupeur la couleur rose.
L'éléphant est plus grand que l'ours
We have 2 animals here: "ours" (bear) and "éléphant" (elephant), and we have to do a logical comparison based on their size "grand" (big/tall)
The logical comparison is to say that the elephant is bigger than the bear, that is written "L'éléphant est plus grand que l'ours" in French.
We of course assume both animals are adults in order to have a safe and logical comparison.
1. Ana allume le feu. Is correct = Ana lights <u>the</u> fire
It is also correct to write : Ana allume un feu = Ana lights<u> a</u> fire
2. correct
3. correct
4. correct
5. correct
6. Nous mangeons avec une cuillère.
7. Cet élève monte sur le banc.
8. La poule est un oiseau.
9. correct
10. De la bière s’il te plait. = <u>some</u> beer please
Une bière s'il te plait = <u>A</u> beer please
11. Correct
12. Où est ta gomme ? Là voilà .
13. correct
14. Les athlètes font du sport.
15. correct
16. Le soleil se …. à six heures
se promène = is hanging around in French … So the sun doesn’t hang around at six … ( even in France )
If you want to say « the sun rises at 6 » ——> Le soleil se lève à six heures
If you want to say « the sun sets at 6 » ———> le soleil se couche à six heures
17. correct
18. correct
19. correct
20. C’est un gourmand, il mange beaucoup.
21. Quel temps fait-il ? il fait mauvais temps.
; )
1. Canada has the longest coastline in the world
2. Maple syrup comes from Canada
3. Canada is the first country in the world to create a landing pad specifically for UFOs
4. Canada's two most professional spots are hockey and football
5. Lacrosse and curling are two iconic Canadian Sports but only have limited public appeal
Answer:We bought a car for Pierre. A: We bought it from him. B: We bought it for him. C: We bought it from him. D: We bought it for ourselves.