<em>Bonjour ! </em>
<em />
<em>De quelle banque viens-tu ?</em>
d. De laquelle ?
banque = féminin/singulier
de laquelle = féminin/singulier
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? </u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? curia.op.org</u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? curia.op.orgBonjour Nathan, comment vas-tu? </u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? curia.op.orgBonjour Nathan, comment vas-tu? alexmero.com</u>
<u>Dear Bro Christian, how are you? curia.op.orgBonjour Nathan, comment vas-tu? alexmero.comHi Nathan, how are you? </u>
Maybe it is true it depends on his personnality.
Answer: So this is what is says in English. Pavak, Rachit and Sana arrived at the party at three different times. They each brought one of their favorite snacks to share with the other two ( one brought pretzels, another cookies, and another licorice). In addition, they each brought their favorite game (one of them brought a game of knuckle bones, another dominoes and another a card game).
Here are some facts:
1. The person who arrived first did not bring cookies.
2. Pavak was second to arrive and brought a deck of cards.
3. Rachit arrived before Sana.
4. The person who brought the cookies brought the game of bones.
5. The person who brought the pretzels did not bring the dominoes.
Determine the order in which they arrived, as well as the snack and game each of them brought.
<span>Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis conjugated in the passé composé.
1. Nicole et moi avons passé un très bon weekend à Paris.
2. Nous sommes parties de Marseille ce vendredi passé à deux heures de l’après-midi.
3. Nous sommes arrivées à Paris à cinq heures.
4. Nous avons pris le TGV: c’est super rapide, non?
5. Nous sommes restées chez la tante de Nicole qui habite au centre de Paris.
6. Samedi matin, nous sommes sorties avant dix heures.
7. D’abord, nous avons visité le Quartier Latin.
8. Nous avons fait du shopping.
9. Il y a des cafés intéressants et des boutiques très cool. Nicole a acheté une nouvelle jupe
10. et moi, j’ ai décidé d’acheter de nouvelles chaussures.
Moi ? féminin or masculin?
Si "moi"féminin :
</span><span>2. Nous sommes parties de Marseille ce vendredi passé à deux heures de l’après-midi.
Si moi= masculin :
</span><span>2. Nous sommes partisde Marseille ce vendredi passé à deux heures de l’après-midi.