Mobile transportation, like: private cars, jeepneys and buses use energy and burn petroleum. During the combustion process, these mobile transports exhaust fumes that contain nitrous oxides, carbon dioxide and other particulates that pollutes the air and contributes to global warming.
As an additional information, China is considered as the country to produce most fossil fuel CO2 emission in 2015, followed by the United States.
The manipulated variable would be the moisture content.
every cell in our body contains Dna
Formas: todas las bacterias se pueden clasificar en una de las tres formas básicas: esferas (cocos), bastones (bacilos) y espirales o hélices (espiroquetas). Necesidad de oxígeno: las bacterias también se clasifican en dos grupos, según si necesitan oxígeno para vivir y crecer o no les es necesario.