It freed the slaves that were part of the usa. The confederates would not be affected unless they lost the war.
aribaldi and Cavour had differing opinions on how Italy should be unified.
Student answer will vary and may include hardships from job loss for the workers and their families. Answers should include the idea that as workers at the factory lose their jobs they and their families will reduce their spending. This reduction will hurt other businesses that will then need to lay-off employees, reduce hours, or delay hiring. Those newly affected will, in turn, reduce their spending causing hardship to other businesses in the town.
A) While parts 1,2 and 3 are accurate, part 4 needs revision.
The Jews never were forced to migrate from Europe. In fact, during the 18th century, there was a revival movement in Eastern Europe known as Hasidic Judaism. Previous to World War II the Jewish population in Europe was close to 9 million.
I hope this answer helps you.
b. rejected the concept that the federal government would protect the rights of all Americans.
The compromise struck by Hayes´ Republicans and Southern Democrats led to the the Republican agreement to withdraw all remaining troops from the South, consolidating the Democratic control there. Democratic promises to respect the rights of African Americans were not observed. The legal and political situation of black people worsened in southern states following the Compromise of 1877. It marked the end of the Reconstruction Era.