The closest thing that I can say among all of these answers would be improvisation. The definition of improvising is adapting to the situation in a better manner appropriately. So let's say when a musician is already on stage and makes a mistake while playing the guitar, he has to improvise a bit so that his mistake will not look like one. He is spontaneously creating something while he is on the spot. In a sense, he is improvising his original work and making something somewhat different.
Art is a diverse range of human activities involving the creation of visual, auditory or performing artifacts, which express the creator's imagination, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
I know that happens to me all of the time and its so annoying!! >:(
Explain the larger human need to express using the insights you gained ... honor/respect to their culture or religion, a way to pass on knowledge and ... Learning block one taught us that most humans have the ability of creating ... A. Explain the larger reciprocal relationship between human creative expression.
theres your answer my guy