Compassion is defined as a feeling of sympathy or sorrow for the misfortune of others.
You can feel compassion because one way or another you have felt what they have felt in their trying times. Even though you don't really know the extent of their pain or suffering, you can imagine what they are going through and you feel for them.
You show compassion to grieving individuals by simply being there for them. You listen to their problems without judgement. You show compassion by being kind to other people and for treating those who are less fortunate with utmost respect and not stripping them of their dignity as a human being.
1) Electrical outlets
2) Stove
3) Fireplace
4) Knives and other sharp objects
5) Cords/wires
Lincoln described the dangers of the Union that get dissolved over slavery. Also, the dangers of the union that get dissolved over slavery rallied northern Republicans.
Lincoln described the dangers of the Union that get dissolved over slavery. Also, the dangers of the union that get dissolved over slavery rallied northern Republicans. The most crucial part of the speech is ''A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free''
Do you know the man that sent your sister the expensive birthday card?
Is that the old man who they saw at the supermarket the other day?
The hawker is actually a very healthy man who you bought the fried noodles from.
All those girls' voices are good who will be given a chance to take part in the singing contest.
I'm going to meet the boy that I met at your birthday party.
The principal congratulated the boy that scored straight A's.
Is that the detective which helped to catch the criminals?
It's like a word or a sentence that doesn't belong
It's a noun but it it used grammatically wrong in the sentence
You'll know whenever the sentence or phrase stands out
Here's and example: Walking through the kitchen, the smoke alarm was going off." This sentence literally means that the smoke alarm was taking a stroll. Or walking away. Lol
Please let me know if this helps you.