Quoted from Virgil's "The Aeneid" and poken by Anchises, the father of Aeneas.
Taken from Book VI of "The Aeneid" by Virgil, the quoted excerpt is spoken by Anchises to Aeneas. Meeting his dead father's soul to in the underworld, Aeneas was told by his father about the fate of Rome.
Through the speech or voice of the wise father, Virgil propounds his own personal ideals, propagating that the Romans should try to be more merciful in their conquests. Virgil uses Anchises as a means to voice his own beliefs and wants for Rome to do and stand for. Anchises uses rhetoric in saying that the Roman Empire's justification for what it had done to bring upon justice and law is the same as the Trojans' and Aeneas had made when they settled in Rome.
The initial failure of the Hubble telescope resulted from a tiny aberration in the lens
He did not have long to wait. On March 12, having given the Viceroy an extra day, Gandhi and seventy-eight others left his ashram and began to walk the two hundred miles to the seacoast. There, he declared, he would take a pinch of salt from the Indian Ocean, thus violating the laws of the Empire, which declared that only the British could harvest salt.