hello fear how are you what is going on in your life
respuesta a continuación
1 - In Love in the Time of Cholera (1985)
2 - Mrs Dalloway (1925)
3 - The God of Small Things (1997)
4 - Cloud Atlas (2004)
1 - Enamorado en la época del cólera (1985)
2 - Sra. Dalloway (1925)
3 - El Dios de las Cosas Pequeñas (1997)
4 - Cloud Atlas (2004)
When a straight line standing on a straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of the equal angles is right, and the straight line standing on the other is called a perpendicular to that on which it stands.
Las escuelas no son pequeño
Spanish: es una poesía corta para niños que sirve para incentivarlos a jugar con las palabras encadenadas. Se trata de una retahíla (escrito de una sucesión de palabras que se mencionan siguiendo un orden) y es ideal para incentivar la memoria y la atención de los más pequeños.
English: It is a short poem for children that serves to encourage them to play with the chained words. It is a string (written in a succession of words that are mentioned in an order) and it is ideal to stimulate the memory and attention of the little ones.