B is a good answer to me but I'm afraid I don't have any other options
Shrek has a sister named Shrekira, yes I made this up, but this is honestly a good plot twist.. so, Shrek thinks Shrekira is Fiona.. I honestly feel bad for fiona. Rip the real Fiona
Can u plz answer my question..
can u plz write a sorry letter to Edna, our custodian, I keep clogging stall 2. Poor poor Edna. She doesn't deserve that much trama.
Because you will need to follow the rhythm of the song and a lot of people do not know that and to play great, you need to practice very hard.. like very hard.
(i hope it helps)
Was: Wilhelm Valentiner was born at Karlsruhe (Baden), and studied at Heidelberg under Henry Thode, and in the Netherlands with Cornelis Hofstede de Groot and with Abraham Bredius
Why: In 1906 he published his dissertation on Rembrandt that he started in 1904: Rembrandt auf der Lateinschule.
Start by breaking the monologue down into chunks, either using natural breaking points like paragraphs or simply dividing it into even sections. Focus all of your attention on the first chunk until you have it committed to memory. Then move on to the next one, adding it to the first one after you have both memorized.