B: brown
brown dog: bb
First black dog: BB
Second black dog: Bb
Black is dominant
Answer is b. Burning fossil fuels causes a decrease in the pH of ocean water making it more acidic.
Burning of fossil fuels release carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide gets dissolves in the ocean to form carbonic acid. Due to formation carbonic acid, the pH of ocean water changes slightly. The average pH of ocean water was 8.2 slightly basic. Now it 8.1, it means there is 25 % increase in acidity of ocean water.
The most abundant element in the atmosphere can also be is nitrogen since nitrogen gas accounts for about 78% of the atmospheric gases. Beans and whey protein are, of course, high in protein, and a fundamental component of proteins at the molecular level is a nitrogen-containing group called an amine group.
Mutation can cause instant adaptation while natural selection is the process by which adaptation occurs over a series of generations.
The actively dividing cells, or meristems, control plant growth. Primary (apical) meristems, the dividing tissue at the tips of the roots, grow longer roots, and secondary meristems, the dividing tissue seen in the cross-sections, grow thicker roots.