It took climate change, fertile river valleys, domestication of crops and animals so that the hunter-gatherers became sedentary farmers.
Initially, all humans were hunter-gatherers. This was due to multiple reasons, with one the biggest one probably being the climate which was not enabling good conditions for the hunter-gatherers to transform their lifestyle. All other conditions needed were stopped because of the climate conditions, so humans had to do what they could to survive in those conditions.
About 10 years ago though the bad climate conditions ended, or rather the Ice Age ended. This resulted in a much warmer climate, which in turn created much more water bodies like rivers and lakes, much more vegetation, and they contributed to the creation of much more fertile soil.
With these conditions in place, the humans quickly saw that there is huge potential in some plants and animals, so they started to farm them, select the ones with the best characteristics, and gradually producing enough food for themselves. With the food problem solved, humans didn't have the need to wonder around all the time, so they started abandoning the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and started settling in one place.
Time-space compression refers to the set of processes that cause the relative distances between places (i.e., as measured in terms of travel time or cost) to contract, effectively making such places grow “closer.” The idea of a “shrinking world” is not new and, in the face of rapid advances in travel, such as the jet ...
It will be 95,496 area squared
mid-ocean ridges, Divergent Boundaries
There are three types of plate-plate interactions based upon relative motion: convergent, where plates collide, divergent, where plates separate, and transform motion, where plates simply slide past each other.
Quebecois French is b) diverged from Parisian French. However, this is only historically speaking and only pertains to the 17th century "koine" of Paris. Nowadays, the distinction between French from France and French from Quebec is huge and the accent stands out very strong compared to other dialects of French. However, the Quebecois are very proud of their language and do not want to standardize, as they feel it would be a removal of their culture.