50 rupees are nothing to buy anything
Dear ZhNya,
you won't believe what happened to me today I saved a kid from death. The kid was in a apartment that was catching on fire! I walked up to the apartment when I noticed a crowd. I asked what was going on, and a man answered there's a kid in a apartment that was on fire. That reminded me of my sister who died in a fire so I, ran into the apartment without a second thought. I went in and looked everywhere until I found the kid. Then I ran out in a hurry because I was running out of breath. That's the story of how I saved a kid.
2009 in September 2009, Kraków, Poland. But I think it was most popular in 2017 and now, when everybody's doing stup.id virtual school.
I would recommend answering in a full sentence, not just with a "yes" or "no":
You don't mind being here?
Answer: No, I don't mind being here
or : Yes, that is correct: I don't mind being here
or: no, I actually do mind a bit. can we go somewhere else please?