Jewish people outside Israel
The United States And The Soviet Union Aweee More Similar Than Different In That They Both Were Competing To Be More Powerfully Than The Other . Only Difference Is Their Ideolgies : U.S Was Democratic And Belived In Capitalism While The USSR Was Communist And Belived In Totalitarianism . Both Superpowers Goals Were To Not Only Stop The Other Side From Spreading Their Ideas But To Also Spread Their Own Ideologies And Beliefs .Furthermore , Both Sides Increased Their Technology ( i.e. the atomic bomb ) Finally , The Two Were , As Stated Above , World Superpowers At This Time .
Honesty is the act or quality of being honest and sincere with one's actions and words (statement). Thus, it's a quality that requires an individual to show sincerity, truthfulness and stating the facts as they are without mincing words and regardless of whose ox is gored.
This ultimately implies that, honesty refers to being truthful and stating the facts as they are in all circumstances.
For example, John lacks honesty because he's always fond of being economical with the truth and peddling fake news.