presents facts and evidence to convince readers to rescue the Sequoia
In both books, "Silent springs" by Rachel Carson and “Save the Redwoods” by John Muir, environmental advocacy is the main subject of discussion.
While the book by Rachel Carson is a fictional story, “Save the Redwoods” by John Muir is a brief essay in which the author argued that Americans should save the scattering of sequoia groves outside the already-established Sequoia National Park, as well as the forests of redwoods along the coast.
John Muir as an environmental activist advocated for the preservation of wonders of nature around America and was quite instrumental in the creation of Yosemite National Park in 1890.
C, a wireless keyboard and a 24" LED monitor.
Desktop computers shouldn't need a foldable or split-style keyboard. A wireless keyboard is better than a gaming keyboard cost wise. A 24" LED would be more cost efficient and have good screen resolution.
A haiku poem<span> consists of </span>three<span> lines, </span>with<span> the first and last line having 5 moras, and the middle line having 7, and the last line having 5. 5,7,5</span>