Sorry its a very long answer-
1.) Failure to maintain the rule of law
The government's repeated failures to bring levels of violent crime under control contributed to an environment which saw people resort to violence without fear of arrest or successful prosecution.
2.) Border control
3.) Corruption
4.) Employment
5.) Education
This has been government's biggest failure and carries much of the blame for the high unemployment levels. It is arguable whether current state education is in its totality any better than that under apartheid. Only 1% of black matriculants achieve a good HG maths pass.
The education system is a good example where policy failures in one area compounded those in another.
6.) Slowing economic growth
7.) Foreign policy
8.) Service delivery
9.) Race relations
Because the ocean reflects off of the sky so technically the sky is white but sense the sun causes the ocean to reflect onto the sky, the sky appears to be blue.
The parcelization and urbanization of forests bring with them serious consequences for nature and humans beings, although we probably see it as an advance; deforestation, logging, burning, seriously affect the vegetation, and the fauna of a forest, the human workforce , the deviation of rivers and the modification of natural zones seem to be a development of society, but in the long run it affects more to humans than to nature itself, because we are the ones who will not have natural lungs to breathe, and those who soon will be drowned with our own pollution, because there are no forests, no nature to purify the air we need.
Tyler has broken his sternum. The sternum is the breastbone