uses the letter I which indicates first person
The correct answer is - Odysseus and his men blind the Cyclops.
The Cyclops captured Odysseus and his men in his cave and didn't let them out because he wanted to eat them. However, the hero and his companions hurt the Cyclops' eye and managed to escape the cave and thus they weren't eaten alive thanks to Odysseus' genius.
Sample Response: The Cyclops is angry that Odysseus, a
weak and tiny man, was able to blind him and trick him. To make matters
worse, Odysseus has no regrets, and he does not apologize even though
the Cyclops offers to treat him well if he returns. Instead, Odysseus
insults Cyclops more than once during his escape. Cyclops knows that the
gods have power over men's lives, and this is his only opportunity for
revenge. Thus, he is motivated to seek revenge against Odysseus.
Angela demonstrates the character trait