Electricity and the light bulb. The electricity because thanks to the invention many people were able to communicate more and it was first used for so many other inventions on the way. The light bulb became VERY important and especially for everyday convenience since the invention around is said that there's about 20 light bulb inventors (Thomas Edison was just credited). steam power and electricity as well.
Texas shared the position of other slave states regarding the future of new territories and new states. It wanted the expansion of slavery. Southern states advocated a popular sovereignty solution, that is, new states to be admitted to the Union should choose by themselves. The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act was a political compromise. Nevertheless, Texas had important objections. In a speech in the Senate delivered on February 15, 1854, Texan leader Sam Houston lists two important obstacles: Nebraska had a too small population in order to sustain organization , and Kansas was a land with very few white settlers and entirely occupied by Native tribes.
The military facility that was built in Oak Ridge, TN in 1942 was created as the production site for the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was an American, British, and Canadian project that developed the first atomic bomb.
D. developing materials to be used in the creation of the atomic bomb
Answer: On the evening of Dec. 31, A.D. 192 to Jan. 1, A.D. 193 Narcissus, an athlete who trained Commodus in gladiator fighting, killed the emperor
He did not improvise or change, led to Burnside losing the Battle of Fredericksburg.