The raven remains sitting. He overshadows the narrator, whose soul will never see happiness again.
<span>Analysis: </span>Boo! Hoo! Get a gun and shoot that freaking bird already! The raven's shadow most likely symbolizes sadness. It covers the narrator's soul, symbolic of the narrator never being happy again. Some claim the last stanza relates the narrator's death. They're wrong. The shadow remains on the floor and It's the narrator's soul that will never climb out from under the shadow of sadness. If your teacher tells you he died, tell him he's wrong. If he disagrees, ask him how a dead man can narrate a poem.
Federal Reserve raises inflation expectations
Federal Reserve raises inflation expectations, mulls 2023 liftoff:The US Federal Reserve’s latest economic projections have its preferred measure of inflation rising to 3.4 percent this year, a full percentage point higher than its March forecast.#accelerationism
Example of dependent clause:
I'm not tidying the dishes unless Sarah helps.
Unless Sarah helps is your dependent clause because can't stand alone as sentences.
I'm 4'8 going into 9th grade you shouldn't even be complaining..