can you put the text on here lol
An appropriate topic matches the interest and expectations of the audience :)
Answer: Dear -----,
I don't agree with the school uniforms rule. We need to have freedom in our clothing styles while following the guidelines as well. If you charge for them, many students might not be able to pay for it. Many students will destroy them as well and just plain out refuse to wear them. Our outfits represent our personalities and part of who we are. If you take away that, it'll be like taking our freedom of speech away.
Make a list of pros and cons based on whether you agree or disagree with the uniforms. Then explain the pros and cons in your letter. If you choose no basely on that its uncomfortable for girls/ etc (choosing your audience) than try to make pros and cons about your topic
Hope this helps! Sorry it's so long!
It’s is an appropriate thesis
The lines "State your argument concisely in the thesis statement." and "Connect ideas using transitional words and phrases" are the two instructions that are required to write a strong essay.
As a strong essay must have good, valid, clear and concise arguments to express your view on the topic.
And having a well connected essay with well connected ideas by using transitional words and phrases keeps the interest of the reader alive and doesn't confuse the reader about your purpose and expression on the topic of the essay.